We should have made alot more cupcakes, we were just getting good by the time we were finished decorating the 24 that was made, but it was Sandy, Dennisa, Taylor, Anthony, Seth, Grandma (pictured above, decorating her one cupcake :0) and of course, me there decorating. Dennisa being the professional that she is, brought over all of her tips for making cool flowers and grass and all types of special effects on our gorgeous cupcakes. Here's some examples....
I am a mostly vegan mom cooking for a vegetarian dad and son. I love to garden, can and cook great food for my family. Here's my adventures in my kitchen.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Knock, knock.....Ether bunny...Ether bunny who?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Potato Gnocchi Night
1 med. onion
1/2 package of Soysage
1 can mushrooms
4 garlic cloves (we love garlic)
Fresh basil (I have basil growing and never use it, FINALLY get too!)
1 quart of tomatoes...mmm...probably a large can
1 package of the potato gnocchi
I sauteed up the soysage first, seasoned it with garlic powder, salt and pepper, when that got browned nicely I added the onions, garlic, mushrooms and sauteed that until the onions were looking translucent then I added my tomatoes, (which you can drain if you want, I liked all the tomato juice.) and basil. This is a good time to taste it to see if you need anything like salt, sugar to cut down on acid, pepper....In the meantime you have to boil water for the gnocchi and once it's a rolling boil throw the gnocchi in for 4-5 minutes or until it floats. Then drain and I added right to the pan of tomato goodness! Just let it sit for a minute and then served it. Jim put some cheese on top, of course.
I accidently added to much salt this time around, but it was really good, we both enjoyed it and I'll probably make it again soon.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Lovin' my new cookbook!
Whoops on the photoshoot, I told April she would laugh at this one. I built the sandwich with the bun side up on total accident. I should really fill you in on a secret, this is my photo practice week and I wanted to try some extreme closeups and see how my camera handles it. Please bear with me as I'm learning :0) so here's your extreme closeup:
See all the BBQ sauce and coleslaw and spices on the fries...BEAUTIFUL! (plus if you couldn't see it you're very much blind, the picture is huge! :0)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
We ate out of the freezer yesterday, Jim worked 16 hours so he ate out, Seth had veggie corndog and french fries....Now that's a Saturday dinner.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
"Almost" Homecookin'
I was so in the mood for mashed potatoes last night but running low on about everything in the kitchen so I came up this yummy meal... (note to self: I really need to work on my photography skills, it's pretty busy and you can hardly see the food) Has anyone else tried the Gardenburger Riblets? Oh my gosh are they delish, we've had them a few times now, the first time we made them into a sandwich with veganaise and lettuce on a piece of bread...so good. This time I made mashed potatoes, I boiled them in vegetable bouillon and then added soy garden butter and some plain soy milk with salt and pepper. Then made fried spinach which I just pattied up and coated it with flour, garlic, salt and pepper and fried it in some canola oil till the outside was crispy. We add some malt vinegar to it once it's on the plate. Not the healthiest way to eat your spinach but, boy, it reminds me of "home" because my mom use to make it the same way. Then the riblets are so easy because you just pop them in the microwave and 3 min. and 30 secs. later they are done. Terrific meal, we'll be eating it again soon! :0)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Winter Storm food...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Being snowed in...
This is as of this morning, we wanted to try and show how high it was on the door and Paco thought it was his cue to run outside, then came right back in kicking the snow in to the living room...Yuck! But my wonderful husband picked it up and threw it back outside.
So we decided to make breakfast this morning and we made soysage gravy and buscuits. Recipe will be provided at a later date.
My internet is so painfully slow right now, I will finish this soon...Happy "snowed in" Day! I hope we are all making great things for our families!